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Vonage APIs and AI for HIPAA-Compliant Applications

Vonage supports the ability for healthcare organisations to deliver HIPAA-compliant, AI-powered communications solutions using video, voice and SMS. The timely and secure patient engagement enhances the journey across their preferred communication channels.

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Video API interface on laptop showcasing a doctor with supporting AI imagery surrounding it

Secure your healthcare communications

Communications between patients and medical practitioners are central to today’s digital healthcare experiences. This includes video consultations, group discussion sessions, care and medication reminders, status notifications, critical alerts and more. The Vonage Video, Voice and SMS APIs – plus Vonage AI Studio – allow these communications to be seamlessly embedded with healthcare applications.


Healthcare applications can securely use Vonage APIs and AI Studio to deliver HIPAA-compliant applications. The Vonage platform implements security and data privacy best practices. We conduct independent third-party HIPAA audits to ensure adherence to these policies on an ongoing basis, and we document this support through signed Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with healthcare customers. Vonage also has BAAs in place with our infrastructure and service providers that support our APIs.


Vonage services, such as our Enterprise Plan and expert AI design team, provide you with the hands-on guidance, account management and technical support to enable the successful and secure delivery of healthcare applications. This includes designated customer success managers, AI conversational designers, support engineers and up-time SLAs.

HIPAA Compliant logo

What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into law in 1996 as part of a larger healthcare reform in the United States. Part of the legislation is aimed at providing security and data privacy protections around access, use and disclosure of protected health information.


Vonage Video, Voice and SMS API conditions

Vonage serves as a “Business Associate” (under HIPAA conditions) by providing our Video, Voice and SMS APIs for use within healthcare applications. Vonage signs Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) to confirm that our customers can meet the required security, privacy and data breach-related safeguards for protected health information when the Video, Voice and SMS APIs are used appropriately.


HIPAA compliance is a shared responsibility

Vonage customers need to follow appropriate security and data privacy practices during development to ensure that their final applications are HIPAA compliant across specific channels. This mandatory compliance is a shared responsibility between the customer and Vonage.

Vonage solutions for healthcare

Pictogram of calendar with star

Automated appointment experience

Manage appointment scheduling easily via mobile. And engage patients throughout by sending secure appointment check-in and pre- and post-visit texts or alerts.
Chat bubble

Patient relationship management

Show patients you care with convenient mobile prescription notices, medical reminders and important follow-ups. And build trust using our secure two-factor authentication tool.

Emergency readiness

Stay prepared with a secure natural voice or text message solution. This ensures that both targeted and table stakes messages are sent straight to your patient’s and staff’s mobile devices.
Icon of a 5-pointed star.

Digital health surveys

Collect valuable patient feedback so you can continue to elevate their medical experience with your organisation.
Video Meeting

Virtual visits and medical consultations

Connect patients with physicians and therapists around the world quickly and securely through virtual practice visits and live video, all within the context of your existing application workflows.
Pictogram of a stethoscope with a heart.

Behavioural and mental health

Allow health professionals to assess their patients remotely in real time and throughout their treatment – or bring like-minded people together for support group meetings – all from the comfort and privacy of home.

Connected devices

Enhance medical device capabilities with real-time, omnichannel communications that integrate with your patient engagement platform. Keep physicians connected to their patients and each other, on the channels they prefer to use, and allow them to securely share and explain health information or results in context.
Video Express

Wellness and fitness

Give patients access to a certified personal trainer in their own home through live video. This makes it simple and convenient to stay healthy.
Deskphone with Vonage logo

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