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Vonage contact centre use cases

Vonage’s contact centre software helps improve the processes and productivity of sales teams, IT teams, service teams and Salesforce admins.
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Sales squads

Sell your sellers on fully adopting the CRM and closing more deals with the cross-channel engagement histories our deep integration gives them.

Service personnel

All contact centres promise a great CX. But to actually keep that promise, ours delivers a great agent experience, too.

IT gurus

The very weaknesses of on-prem contact center solutions are the strengths of ours: reliability, scalability, ease-of-use, globality, future-proofness.

Salesforce leaders

Vonage Contact Center works so seamlessly with Salesforce, you'll be hard pressed to tell where one ends and the other begins.
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Make your conversations great and your pipeline even greater

We designed Vonage Contact Center to automate as much administration as possible. So what helps your people focus on delivering a personalised, engaging sales pitch actually breaks down organisational silos, too.
  • For ease of use, click-to-dial or auto-dial within your CRM
  • Put the latest customer-info screen pops right in the CRM
  • Rely on AI for post-call analysis
  • Keep conversations contextual to customer pain points
  • Expect the unexpected with emergency call routing and disaster recovery features
  • Respect customer privacy and regulations with configurable call recording
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Are your agents too busy with work to have a customer relationship?

Never before has a contact center solution so fully addressed everything that makes CX and agent experiences great. Supervisor features. Training tools. Faster onboarding. The little things that make it possible to enrich the agent so they can enchant the customer. The little extras that make your busy contact center a destination for them both.
  • Use the customer details your CRM’s already got for dynamic routing to the best agent
  • All channels are included in Vonage Contact Center — voice, digital, video, and more — so agents and customers can communicate how they want
  • Deep CRM integration for complete engagement histories at a glance
  • Supervise agent calls, listen in, “whisper” advice and know who’s busy and who’s not
  • Get global, real-time reports and identify your key performance trends
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The contact centre built for Salesforce

Many can claim Salesforce integration, but our contact centre was designed to behave like a Salesforce feature. It provides the admin tools and functions you need as a Salesforce admin.
  • Route voice, email, chat, SMS, video and social channels together using the same business logic
  • Manage agents from the Salesforce UI
  • Unlock hidden insights from every customer conversation

At last, a future-proof contact center solution

Pick the wrong solution and you'll wind up nursing lots of complex legacy IT systems all by yourself. Wasting your staff on tedious fix-it work. Fretting over the security promises you made but can't keep. And then there's all the looks — the looks you'll get when it's time to scale and you just... can't. Avoid all of it with Vonage.
  • Distribute calls globally — and intelligently! — with one call plan across all nodes
  • Don't ask agents to switch back and forth between your phone system and CRM — let them click-to-dial or auto-dial within your CRM
  • Enjoy clear voice quality, proven platform reliability and carrier redundancy thanks to multiple global partners
  • Make transactions fast, frictionless and fully PCI-compliant and — depending on how you use VCC — comply, comply with ISO 27001, SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR and more
  • Empower your IT staff to find the deep, new insights that will drive the business forwards
  • Reduce risk with a highly resilient microservices architecture

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Vonage isn’t the only brand we stand behind

It turns out your garden-variety Salesforce integration doesn't quite cut it — a contact center solution needs to be a vital organ in your CRM, no matter which brand you use. Like how "Spellcheck" is to your word processor and "Pulse" is to your food processor. Remember, your CRM’s got juicy details for personalising every conversation. Use them!
  • Don't just manage data and admin tasks from directly within Salesforce - manage all your agents, too
  • Make every conversation a market-research initiative by unlocking hidden insights
  • Voice, digital, video and more — all channels are included in Vonage Contact Center, so when call volume slows, agents can handle emails and SMS — and vice versa — to bolster productivity and efficiency
  • Rescue customers stuck in chatbot chats by routing them to the best available agents
Deskphone with Vonage logo

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