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G2A Protects Customer Accounts with Vonage APIs and Two-Factor Authentication

When G2A needed a secure, scalable, and world class solution for their global transaction ecosystem, Vonage delivered with Verify, SMS, Number Insight, and Virtual Numbers APIs.

Graphic depicting the G2A global ecosystem
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Finding a provider that offered solutions to not only detect and signal errors, miscommunications or suspicious behavior on their site, but also provide two-factor authentication and verification to help ensure G2A customer experience and security.


Vonage Verify, SMS, Number Insight, Virtual Numbers APIs


Vonage is delivering the wide range of necessary tools and services that G2A needs for messaging, authentication, verification and security. G2A is extremely pleased with Vonage's high technical quality, responsiveness and customer support.

Established in 2010, G2A has evolved from a small Internet retailer into a global transaction ecosystem that houses the world’s fastest growing digital gaming marketplace for game key codes and other digital products. Today, G2A is an international enterprise that boasts more than 700 employees, 380 million site visitors per year, more than 75,000 products and over 300,000 sellers.

According to G2A’s CEO, Bartosz Skwarczek, “We want to create the most secure and the most user-friendly marketplace ecosystem to sell and buy digital products. For this reason G2A regularly implements new secure solutions. This is why we verify over 100 factors and why we work with the best providers in the world when it comes to security.”

Finding Vonage

Because of its high standards, G2A.COM gave careful consideration to choosing Vonage for two-factor authorization, verification and other communications and security needs.

Oleg Leonov, G2A’s Anti Money Laundering Manager, led the selection and implementation of the Vonage APIs several years ago. “We reviewed seven different companies and solutions and eventually chose Vonage for various reasons. First of all, Vonage offers a variety of services. During our preliminary conversations with Vonage, it became evident that we would be able to use Vonage APIs for several different use cases that could easily be built into our system.”

Vonage was the clear choice for G2A to quickly detect and signal errors, miscommunications and alerts indicating suspicious behavior. “Vonage was able to provide us with options that no other vendor could,” said Leonov. “We were assigned a technical integration person to help us with the deployment and to answer any technical questions regarding APIs, communications, response codes…everything.

“The process ran very smoothly, despite the fact that we were adding new use cases during the integration and there was a huge amount of work to be done. Our technical administrator was able to accomplish all of it with Vonage’s help, without any additional questions or dissatisfaction.”

Fast and Thorough Support

According to Leonov, Vonage’s responsiveness to constantly changing needs is impressive. “Our business model and the business in which we operate—the gaming industry—is so rapidly developing that it can sometimes be very challenging to keep up with all of the needs that arise. Either we do it fast, or we don’t do it at all.”

Leonov and his team typically contact Vonage via its support desk. “I place a high priority on how quickly we receive responses and how thorough is the information is that we get,” said Leonov. “With Vonage, if I ask about something in particular, I will receive an answer with full data in a matter of hours. And, for peculiar cases, where we need something beyond what a typical support person can provide, we contact our account manager and he gets back to us, also in a matter of hours.”

Benefits from the Beginning

Today, G2A uses several of Vonage’s communications APIs. Starting with Vonage's Verify for account security (two-factor authentication on logins and actions such as withdrawals from customer accounts), G2A.COM felt confident that its security needs were being met.

“We then added SMS that is used for server errors or any other issues that our system encounters, and security notifications as an added measure of protection,” said Leonov. “These notifications alert the appropriate person of a problem the very moment the problem is detected. There is no delay between the problem and knowledge about it.”

Two of Vonage APIs, in particular, have been key to helping G2A.COM to tightly secure its marketplace. The Number Insight API allows G2A to significantly increase the security of a transaction when a customer provides their phone number. Their use of the Verify API has also helped to improve customer experience on the G2A website as well as provide added security to accounts and transactions.

“If someone is looking for good service with good pricing to cover their required needs, it’s better to choose one company that delivers all the necessary tools and services; one that offers high technical quality and helps you achieve time efficiency,” said Leonov.

“That was the position I took with the G2A.COM Board when we were choosing between providers. I felt that we needed to have everything in one place. This way if we later determine that other use cases are necessary, we can rely on that one place. If we need to figure out costs, we can go back to that one place. We wanted one company with which we can continue to work well for a long time to come. We chose Vonage and we are very satisfied with the results.”


“If someone is looking for good service with good pricing to cover their required needs, it’s better to choose one company that delivers all the necessary tools and services; one that offers high technical quality and helps you achieve time efficiency... We chose Vonage and we are very satisfied with the results.”

OLEG LEONOV, Anti-Money Laundering Manager for G2


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